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What Marketing Message Are You Focusing On?

Investopedia says: Marketing refers to activities undertaken by a company to promote the buying or selling of a product or service. Marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other businesses.

As I stood in the busiest aisle in the Walmart Supercenter, staring at a variety of razors, deodorant and toothpaste, I ducked out of the way of yet one more woman trying to decide which of each was The One. They were studying the million varieties of hygiene products as thoroughly as they would a potential life partner.

“I have no idea,” the 60-ish woman says to me, making a gesture at the eight shelves of toothpaste. “I never knew brushing your teeth could be so complicated. Used to be you could shop for body care in less than 10 minutes. Now there’s so many choices you have to pack a lunch.”

I laughed, nodded in agreement and we passed amiably, but it got me to thinking. I’m a marketer, after all, and pretty much anything can be turned into a lesson. For me, I have to wonder – have we lost the marketing “message”?

What Is Marketing?

Investopedia says: Marketing refers to activities undertaken by a company to promote the buying or selling of a product or service. Marketing includes advertising, selling, and delivering products to consumers or other businesses.

That’s an adequate description, I suppose, but I like the way The Balance Small Business puts it better.

Marketing is the process of teaching consumers why they should choose your product or service over those of your competitors.

Yes. That. That description really puts it out there. When you’re marketing, whether to a business or a consumer, you are teaching your target audience why your product is better than the competition. I’ll go even one more step.

Marketing is the ART of creating a need.

“Need” is the Lost Marketing Message

Once marketing is explained, many will go into things like the 4 P’s of Marketing: Product, Price, Promotion and Place. We’ve done it ourselves for that matter. Instead, for this post, I want to focus almost entirely on the marketing message.

At its most basic, fundamental roots, marketing is all about creating need. As mentioned above, it’s the art of the same. The most basic message for all services, information and products is the same: you need this.

“Need” as the Core of Your Marketing Message

Once the basics of marketing are laid out, the conversation often turns to familiar concepts like the 4 P’s of Marketing: Product, Price, Promotion, and Place. We’ve discussed these elements ourselves. However, in this piece, our spotlight shines squarely on the marketing message, particularly the concept of “need.”

The Essence of Marketing: Creating Need

At the heart of marketing lies the fundamental goal of creating a need. This isn’t just a tactic; it’s the essence of marketing itself. The core message, regardless of the service, information, or product offered, boils down to one universal claim: you need this.

Lessons from the Masters of Marketing

Reflecting on the past, we can observe true masters who excelled in conveying this message, persuading individuals that, despite their contentment, their lives were incomplete without certain products, like a full set of Encyclopedia Britannica. Today’s landscape, however, presents new challenges. The traditional “American Dream,” for instance, has evolved. With more people working than ever before, convincing someone of the necessity of a home, just to sleep in, becomes a harder sell. This disconnect between the perceived need and the actual supply can lead to significant market anomalies, such as a booming economy paired with a declining housing market.

The Paradox of Choice in Modern Marketing

This dilemma is vividly illustrated in places like Walmart Supercenters, which overwhelm customers with endless options for everyday items like toothpaste, deodorants, and razors. The intent might be to cater to every possible preference, but does this abundance really serve our marketing message well? Consider the irony of advertising aimed at alleviating discomfort through choice, only to leave consumers paralyzed by indecision.

Moreover, the phenomenon of choice overload has been supported by research, indicating that too many options can actually hinder conversions. The abundance of choices, rather than empowering, can cause discomfort and indecision, leading to lost sales. It’s clear that something in our approach needs to recalibrate.

Reevaluating the Marketing Message of “Need”

In a world where the marketing landscape is constantly shifting, revisiting the fundamental marketing message of “need” offers a pathway to reconnect with consumers on a more meaningful level. It’s about finding balance, understanding the nuances of consumer desire, and tailoring our message to highlight not just the availability of choices, but the clarity and relevance of those options to our audience’s lives.

Something has gone really, really wrong.

Changing the Message Back

So, what should the marketing message be? What’s your marketing message? Is it about how many choices you give them, or how you’re the best choice to give them?

Although some say a company that only focuses on a single product will die, the question should be about the buyer. What do they need? 15 flavors? Or one that’s to-die-for?

Don’t just be a number. Be number one.

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