Women in Tech

Women in Tech: Meet Yukari Peerless

With so much going on around the world, it’s important to keep an eye on your objectives and goals. The reason I started this new series and have asked all these wonderful women for their input with Women In Tech, is that I want to share and show the younger generation of women that it’s okay to succeed – regardless of whether society says you can or can’t.

I’ve been lucky to work with so many wonderful women globally, and yes, I have worked with wonderful men too, but my goals has always been to help and promote women. When I first took this project on, I wondered what sort of backlash I’d have to face… happens every time, regardless of where my heart is. There will be haters, and people that don’t agree with my “bias” based on gender. That’s not what this is about; it’s about introducing wonderful women who deserve to be recognized for their leadership, work ethics, and wisdom.

Today’s Women in Tech feature is on Yukari Peerles. What was interesting is after a little more reading and research I found out that Yukari means “connection” or “relationship” in old Japanese. She’s the owner of Lucid Communication and I have had the pleasure of working with her on a project. What’s really exciting is after reading through her answers, I’m thrilled to share her interview with you. A writer, a wonderful team player, and the fact she likes Meryl Streep and  Salade Niçoise makes her too cool for school. You can find out more about Yukari on About.me, read her Blog or follow her on Twitter @YukariP

1. What are some of your “rules” for effective leaders?

Japan Flag To always listen to the team. You might not agree, but to always listen.

2. Are you doing what you love and getting better at it? How? What skills allowed you to start?

Yes. I’m not exactly where I’d like to be yet, but yes. Nothing “allowed” me to do it. I just started.

3. How do you empower your team?

Showing them it’s okay to be honest and vulnerable and encourage them to share their stories, too.

4. What will I do today that will matter one year from now?

Writing. Keep writing.

5. Delegating is not an easy task… what do you delegate? Is it something you need to go back over…just in case.

I’m not a control freak, so delegating is not a huge problem. I trust the team and if they screw up, I’ll help to fix it.

6. How do you encourage creative thinking within your organization?

Encouraging freedom and fun! (It’s a key phrase in our office)

7. Where do the great ideas come from in your organization?

By randomly and openly chatting. We are all good friends.

8. You have two equally-qualified candidates, how do you determine whom to hire?

If they are equally qualified, I’d choose the one with more personality and friendliness. It’s important to get along with people you work with.

9. Your number one advice to someone in a new leadership position?

Listen to the team.

Stand Out Graffiti

10. If you could have lunch with 3 great women in history alive or dead, who would they be and what would you eat?

Meryl Streep, Hilary Clinton, and Eleanor Roosevelt. I’d eat Niçoise salad…that’s just my favorite. 🙂

11. Are you doing what you love, would you do things differently to get there?

Yes. No.

12. Your favorite story about a success or a failure you have learned from. 

I like the idea of “Leaning In.” Don’t apologize for being you. Sit at the table. Be “Bossy”…right now I am the only woman in the office (Startup) and I started acting more assertively and confidently. Don’t get intimidated, you know?

13. You are well known in your niche, how are you helping other women and giving it forward?

Encouraging them to succeed and helping them whenever possible. Share their stories, introduce to other people.

14. What’s something most people don’t know about you?

I wanted to be an opera singer when I was growing up.

15. How can we, as women, make the world a better place?

I think we instinctively know how to do this…yes, there are some catty women out there, but most of the time all the women I know are very supportive of each other. We also think as a community…I think it’s working.

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