Fresh SEO

Things To Consider When Picking An SEO Firm

If you're not sure what you need to know prior to hiring an SEO agency, we break it down to factors you ought to consider.

Looking to hire an SEO Firm but not sure how to evaluate them and make a good choice? It’s tough! There are so many different ways to tackle SEO and numerous pricing structures and models. You are rarely comparing apples to apples, which can make the entire process really confusing and frustrating when you are trying to make a decision.

Choosing the Right SEO Firm

Selecting the right SEO firm is a critical decision that can significantly impact the success of your business online. Choosing an SEO firm is crucial for your business’s online success. Look for one committed to guiding and managing clients effectively. For instance, Level343 exemplifies this commitment, setting a standard with their client-focused approach.

The SEO firm must leverage years of experience to stay on top of the latest core and algorithmic updates. They must partners in navigating the ever-evolving SEO landscape.

A great SEO firm will use the latest tools to customize each campaign and strategy according to client needs. This means creating content that will resonate. Level343 serves as a prime example of this approach.

The approach goes beyond keywords; it’s about understanding and delivering what clients want, impacting your search engine presence. It’s pure and simple. Here’s how our tailored approach ensures a more strategic, effective, and personalized service:

Customization Over Automation

Leveraging the latest technological tools to enhance a strategy is Midas. Moreover, the core of the approach has to be deeply human: we understand branding, and we make sure we understand what your customers are looking for and how best to reach them. When working with a new client that may need help we focus on what their needs are.

From technical SEO, are they focusing on targeted keywords and aligning their search queries with search intent? You can’t automate these tasks, but with enough knowledge, you can implement them in your custom strategy.

Data-Driven, Human-Guided Strategies

Combining data and relevance with precision to dominate the search engine results pages (SERPs) effectively. This approach goes beyond just following data trends; it involves interpreting these trends with a deep understanding of your specific market dynamics.

By analyzing the data through this lens, you can optimize your SEO performance not only in broad terms but also in the very specific contexts that matter to your business.

Furthermore, a strategy has to include meticulous attention to anchor text optimization. This ensures that every link is not just a pathway to another page, but a carefully crafted connection that enhances your SEO performance by improving relevance and authority.

With these targeted efforts, we ensure that your online presence is not only visible but also impactful and strategically aligned to your unique business goals.

Personalized Client Engagement

Every client must receive a tailored experience that begins with a deep understanding of their business model and market positioning. This personalized engagement is crucial for tailoring strategies to each client’s specific needs. By focusing on the unique aspects of your business, the SEO firm ensures that their search engine optimization (SEO) efforts are far from generic.

This approach must include fine-tuning your local SEO strategy, enhancing your visibility within specific geographic areas, and carefully selecting search terms and queries that align with your business offerings.

Create SEO content that engages your target audience and enhances your search engine visibility, including for local businesses. This level of customization ensures that your strategies effectively reflect and amplify your unique digital presence.

Human-Centric Approach vs. Automation-Driven Strategies

While many SEO agencies now rely heavily on automation to streamline the strategy process, the firm must maintain a balance that values human insight and interaction.

Automation tools are powerful, but they cannot fully grasp the nuances of brand voice, the subtleties of customer interaction, or the strategic pivot required when market dynamics change.

For example our team uses automation to inform and enhance our strategies, not to replace the personalized touch that has defined our success over the years.

Comprehensive Vetting Process

Engagement begins with a thorough vetting process. Unlike agencies that jump straight into generic strategies, the SEO firm must take the time to understand your business’s unique challenges and opportunities.

This deep dive helps them tailor an approach to fit your specific needs and goals, ensuring that the SEO strategy is not just data-driven but also intricately aligned with your business objectives.

Discovery and Meet-and-Greet the Team

The discovery phase is not just about understanding you but also about you understanding the team. At Level343, you’ll meet and greet with team members who will be handling your account. This includes direct liaisons with extensive years in the SEO and marketing field, ensuring you feel confident and comfortable with the individuals who will be driving your SEO efforts.

Personalized Client Liaison

Continuing the theme of personalized service, each client must be paired with a liaison who has deep expertise in SEO and digital marketing. This person serves as your primary contact, guiding you through the process, answering questions, and making adjustments as needed to optimize the strategy continuously. This level of personal interaction ensures that strategies are not only implemented but are also evolved based on real-time feedback and results.

Proven Track Record with Human Oversight

Our long-standing success is built on more than just following trends. It’s about understanding the essence of each brand we work with and amplifying that essence through tailored SEO strategies. AI can suggest keywords and analyze data, but our team interprets it using years of experience and industry knowledge. This allows us to create strategies that are effective, sustainable, and scalable.

Deciding on the right SEO firm to hire can be daunting, given the diversity in SEO strategies, pricing models, and service structures. It’s rarely a straightforward comparison, often leading to confusion and frustration. However, here are refined points to guide your evaluation process effectively:

Initial Impressions Matter Your first point of contact at the firm often sets the tone for future interactions. Consider if they are approachable, responsive, and a good representation of the company. Trust your instincts about whether they inspire confidence in their abilities.

First Impressions and Brand Representation

An SEO firm must recognize that the initial interaction with their team lays the foundation for a trusting relationship. Marketing and SEO consultants should be friendly, responsive, and well-trained to represent the firm’s values and capabilities effectively. It’s crucial that the first contact person embodies the professionalism and expertise that Level343 is renowned for.

Transparency and Proven Results

At Level343, we are committed to maintaining the highest levels of transparency, and we proudly share our successes to illustrate the impact of our work. Our approach has fostered long-lasting relationships with clients, many of whom have been with us for over a decade.

This enduring trust speaks volumes, especially considering how our clients have continued to partner with us through challenging times, including the recent pandemic—a testament not many SEO firms can claim.

An SEO firm must offer detailed case studies and references that highlight achievements in search engine optimization. These should demonstrate a consistent ability to enhance search rankings and meet client goals.

Our case studies highlight how we’ve navigated the complexities of SEO and digital marketing to deliver tangible results. They prove our strategies are effective and adaptable, even with changing market conditions

Enduring client trust and documented success set Level343 apart as an SEO leader in the industry. We don’t just promise excellence; we prove it with each project we undertake.

Realistic Promises and Ethical Practices

Our years of industry experience have taught us the importance of honesty in client relationships. We avoid unrealistic promises that sound too good to be true.

Whomever you work with, must focus on sustainable, ethical SEO practices that lead to long-term success. Adhering strictly to the latest guidelines and avoiding any tactics that could potentially harm your brand’s reputation.

Content Strategy and Social Media Integration

Content is at the heart of effective SEO. We excel in creating tailored content that not only boosts SERP rankings but also engages your target audience. Our content strategies are integrated with a robust social media presence, ensuring that your content reaches a wider audience and generates significant engagement.

Service Clarity and Client Comfort

We make our service terms clear from the outset, ensuring that they align with your expectations and comfort levels. Our contracts are designed to be straightforward and transparent, detailing every aspect of the SEO process from page optimization to technical enhancements like improving page speed.

Ongoing Communication and Support

Understanding the need for consistent support, Level343 commits to exceptional client service. We establish clear policies for communication, ensuring that you always know who to contact and how quickly you can expect a response.

Strategic Honesty and Advisory

Our experts provide honest, strategic advice that is in your best interest. We believe in maintaining a relationship where constructive feedback is valued over mere agreement, aiming to deliver the best outcomes for your business.

Long Standing Expertise and Reputation

With years of sustained success and a well-established online presence, Level343 has built a reputation as a leader in the SEO industry. Our long-standing experience gives us a unique perspective on how SEO has evolved and how it can be leveraged to benefit your specific business needs.

Detailed Quality Control and Customized SEO Services

We go beyond basic SEO services by implementing rigorous quality control processes and customizing our approach to fit your unique business requirements. This includes everything from in-depth keyword analysis and strategic link building to optimizing your site’s structure and content for better user engagement.

Educational Approach and Industry Compliance

We believe in educating our clients about the SEO process. Helping them understand each step and how it affects their website’s performance. The SEO firm stays updated on regulatory changes and industry standards to ensure your SEO strategy meets and exceeds norms.

Choosing the right SEO firm is both an art and a science, requiring a mix of knowledge, intuition, and due diligence. SEO is a dynamic field with no universal strategy or governing body. This variety of approaches enriches the industry but makes the selection process challenging for buyers.

Conduct Thorough Research and Verification

Before making your final decision, investing time in research and validation is crucial. Look beyond the surface-level promises and delve into the specifics of what each SEO firm offers. Check their track records, read client testimonials, and perhaps most importantly, study their case studies in depth. How have they handled past projects? What results have they achieved? Answers to these questions can provide critical insights into their capabilities and reliability.

Listen to Your Intuition

While facts and figures are fundamental, never underestimate the value of your intuition. After your interactions with potential SEO firms, take a moment to reflect on how each interaction made you feel. Were they transparent and communicative?

Did they show a genuine understanding of your business needs? Your gut feeling can often be a powerful indicator of whether an agency is the right fit for your business.

Evaluate Their Adaptability and Approach to SEO

SEO is not just about following trends; it’s about anticipating changes and adapting strategies accordingly. An ideal SEO firm should not only be reactive but proactive. They should have a clear method for staying ahead of SEO trends and adjusting strategies as search algorithms evolve and market conditions change. This adaptability is crucial for maintaining and improving your search engine rankings over time.

Look for a Partner, Not Just a Provider

The best SEO firm should feel like a partner rather than just a service provider. They should be willing to collaborate closely with you, listen to your concerns, and tailor their approach to meet your specific business objectives. This collaborative approach ensures that the strategies implemented are more aligned with your vision and goals, ultimately leading to more effective and satisfactory results.

Consider the Long-Term Relationship

Finally, consider the potential for a long-term relationship. SEO is not a one-off task but a continuous process that needs constant monitoring and tweaking to yield the best results. Choosing a firm that you can work with over the long term will be beneficial. This is not only from a consistency standpoint but also because a firm that understands the history of your company’s SEO efforts can make better-informed decisions that build on past successes.

In Summary

Selecting the right SEO firm is a significant decision that requires careful thought and consideration. It involves understanding the complexity of SEO, conducting thorough research, listening to your intuition, evaluating the firm’s adaptability, seeking a collaborative partner, and considering the long-term engagement.

By taking these steps, you can choose an SEO firm that will not only meet your current needs but also empower your business to grow and thrive in an increasingly digital world. Remember, the right SEO partnership can transform your online presence and drive substantial growth for your business.

There is no one regulating body for this industry and there is no one accepted strategy for SEO, there are so many opinions and factors and strategies. It does make it hard for you, the buyer, to make your decisions because of that. The best advice, trust your gut and take time to research and verify what you’re told.

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9 Responses

  1. Good list thanks, I’m just about to start looking for an SEO company for a project, I wouldn’t have thought to ask some of these questions. Cheers

    1. Hey James, another thing comes to mind when working with an SEO company, make sure your best interest are served. It’s not about what they have done for others or the cookie cutter they spew in those spam emails…it’s about you. Good luck, and let me know how that works out for you!

  2. Majority of people after spending big amount on SEO process, complain that they can’t get top position on search engines due to getting poor SEO services. There are some important thing which you must check before picking an SEO agency for your website. I am happy to read your tips for choosing the right agency and definitely I’ll share this with all bloggers and small business concerns’ owners 🙂

    1. Thanks Stephanie, another thing I would add is, making the client just as responsible when things go south. Basically, when you partner with an SEO company, they are not the only ones that have a certain job to do. The client has just as much responsibility as we do. Especially, if all we are doing is advising, recommending with no capacity to make those changes. We’ve had a few of those clients… YOU give them a roadmap of what must be done, and they do nothing. ~meh

  3. I think the best way to choose any SEO firm, by looking their client list and ask for proof for their work. This will give you solid proof that the firm is valuable and is able to deliver results. You can also ask what techniques they use to achieve rankings and my personal opinion is to stay away from seo companies which ask for fixed price for fixed task.

    1. I couldn’t agree with you more Aahna. But unfortunately, 90% of our clients have us sign an NDA which, makes it next to impossible to share information with potential new clients. But what we’ve done to resolve this situation is found 4 clients that are willing to give us phone recommendations when and if asked. It’s not numbers/data or proof of our work per say, but it does show our commitment to the privacy of the client and the great relationships we have built throughout the years!

  4. In case you’re tracking such matters and I suspect you are, I found your article via my Scoopit panel. These tips for finding a skillful SEO firm are all good issues to consider. Forthcoming with results driven metrics (on their webpages) is one way we try to stand out in offering our SEO services. I mean after all, of the SEO firm isn’t ranked on page 1 of Google for their top competitive keywords, how can you expect them to be able to perform for your small business operation? Glad I found this article. Nicely done!

    1. Hey Neil, thanks for the click through foot step history… I love 😉
      In defense of some SEO companies, (us included) while I agree they should rank for their specific keywords, sometimes they are too busy to deal with the health of their own sites. That’s not to say they can’t hire someone to do the work, which is what we are doing as I type this.

      As a matter of fact I’m working on the weekend with an outside developer on our new site/blog. But we still rank for our branded key terms. Too bad I can’t tell you what they are… I would have to kill you! 😛

  5. Thank you for mentioning Quality Control. Some SEO companies just get links from all over the place and once receiving payment, they just disappear. Quality is what it’s all about these day. Thanks for sharing Jennifer.

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If you're not sure what you need to know prior to hiring an SEO agency, we break it down to factors you ought to consider.

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9 Responses

  1. Good list thanks, I’m just about to start looking for an SEO company for a project, I wouldn’t have thought to ask some of these questions. Cheers

    1. Hey James, another thing comes to mind when working with an SEO company, make sure your best interest are served. It’s not about what they have done for others or the cookie cutter they spew in those spam emails…it’s about you. Good luck, and let me know how that works out for you!

  2. Majority of people after spending big amount on SEO process, complain that they can’t get top position on search engines due to getting poor SEO services. There are some important thing which you must check before picking an SEO agency for your website. I am happy to read your tips for choosing the right agency and definitely I’ll share this with all bloggers and small business concerns’ owners 🙂

    1. Thanks Stephanie, another thing I would add is, making the client just as responsible when things go south. Basically, when you partner with an SEO company, they are not the only ones that have a certain job to do. The client has just as much responsibility as we do. Especially, if all we are doing is advising, recommending with no capacity to make those changes. We’ve had a few of those clients… YOU give them a roadmap of what must be done, and they do nothing. ~meh

  3. I think the best way to choose any SEO firm, by looking their client list and ask for proof for their work. This will give you solid proof that the firm is valuable and is able to deliver results. You can also ask what techniques they use to achieve rankings and my personal opinion is to stay away from seo companies which ask for fixed price for fixed task.

    1. I couldn’t agree with you more Aahna. But unfortunately, 90% of our clients have us sign an NDA which, makes it next to impossible to share information with potential new clients. But what we’ve done to resolve this situation is found 4 clients that are willing to give us phone recommendations when and if asked. It’s not numbers/data or proof of our work per say, but it does show our commitment to the privacy of the client and the great relationships we have built throughout the years!

  4. In case you’re tracking such matters and I suspect you are, I found your article via my Scoopit panel. These tips for finding a skillful SEO firm are all good issues to consider. Forthcoming with results driven metrics (on their webpages) is one way we try to stand out in offering our SEO services. I mean after all, of the SEO firm isn’t ranked on page 1 of Google for their top competitive keywords, how can you expect them to be able to perform for your small business operation? Glad I found this article. Nicely done!

    1. Hey Neil, thanks for the click through foot step history… I love 😉
      In defense of some SEO companies, (us included) while I agree they should rank for their specific keywords, sometimes they are too busy to deal with the health of their own sites. That’s not to say they can’t hire someone to do the work, which is what we are doing as I type this.

      As a matter of fact I’m working on the weekend with an outside developer on our new site/blog. But we still rank for our branded key terms. Too bad I can’t tell you what they are… I would have to kill you! 😛

  5. Thank you for mentioning Quality Control. Some SEO companies just get links from all over the place and once receiving payment, they just disappear. Quality is what it’s all about these day. Thanks for sharing Jennifer.

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