Shocking Truths

10 Truths About Internet Marketing That May Shock You

Internet marketing is an attempt to reach customers where they live, work, and play. It’s also an attempt to reach customers “while” they live, work, and play.

Understanding internet marketing truths is essential for any Internet marketer or website owner aiming to genuinely connect with consumers. It’s crucial to grasp the realities they face on the other side of the digital divide. Armed with this knowledge, you can better address their pain points, offering products and solutions that truly meet their needs and desires. In the crowded online marketplace, consumers are bombarded with endless advertisements promising overnight success and competitive prowess for businesses.

This constant barrage leads to consumer burnout, complicating the task for legitimate companies to cut through the clutter and make their valuable offerings known. As we delve into the world of online marketing, we’ll uncover 10 truths about Internet marketing and its practices that may surprise you, highlighting the challenges and opportunities within this dynamic field.

The Double-Edged Sword of Internet Sales Copy

1. Internet sales copy is getting better, and it leads people to buy a lot of things they don’t want or need. Not all marketers lead a shady professional lifestyle, and not all marketing copy that triggers an emotion to buy is bad. However, there’s a lot of copy on the market designed to take you for a ride.

The Upsell: Navigating Advanced Offerings

2. Too much of today’s Internet copy focuses on upselling customers for a more advanced offering. The customer buys one thing, and online businesses sell them on something else that leads them to the next-level product or level of service.

Demystifying the “Anyone Can Do It” Myth

3. You’ll hear from time to time that “anyone can do it.” This is rarely the case when growing your online business. Not just anyone can run successful and effective Internet marketing campaigns.

The Fallacy of Field of Dreams in Online Marketing

4. “Build your website and the customers will come” is another falsehood pushed by some online marketers. Getting people to visit your site and become buying customers is a result of effective content creation, site optimization, SEO audits, and conducting SEO on an international level where applicable. Getting customers through the front door to shop and make a purchase requires a lot of work.

Overcoming the Challenges of Internet Marketing

5. Internet marketing has its share of fatalities. It’s hard work, and can be extremely frustrating and overwhelming at times. It’s a world where a person has to stay connected and focus on online marketing trends and search algorithm changes at all times.

Finding Resilience in the Face of Marketing Adversity

6. There will be times when you feel like throwing in the towel when it comes to marketing and growing your business. This is when you have to dig down to find the grit to keep going. Just keep reminding yourself why you’re in business to begin with.

The Commitment to Growing Your Online Business

7. You’ll also spend more time than you think working your business. Working a few hours a day or a couple of days a week is a hobby and not a business. Be prepared to work, work, and then work some more to grow your business to a competitive level.

Maintaining Confidence Amidst Marketing Struggles

8. You’re going to lose confidence in your ability, from time to time, to successfully address Internet marketing challenges. Do you have the passion deep inside to keep forging ahead?

Patience and Persistence in Achieving Marketing Success

9. Internet marketing may not bring immediate success. Be wary, even cautious, of anyone who claims they can put your website or company on the map in no time at all. Your business will become an extension of your life and a daily routine if you’re going to realize success.

Hard Work vs. Smart Work: The Path to Marketing Success

10. Slay the myth that you can get to the top of the line by avoiding difficult work and decisions. There are a few good reasons why some marketers and their companies stand out. True, these people work harder, but it’s not the only reason they survived and thrived. They worked smarter.

Embracing the Reality of Internet Marketing

In today’s digital age, acknowledging the omnipresence of Internet marketing is non-negotiable. Your customers, irrespective of your business model—be it a purely online venture or a traditional brick-and-mortar store—are increasingly dwelling in the digital realm. This reality underscores the essence of Internet marketing: it’s about connecting with your audience in the very spaces where their lives unfold, encompassing their places of residence, work, and leisure.

Internet marketing is not just about the act of reaching out; it’s about timing, ensuring your message resonates with consumers precisely when they’re most receptive. Whether they’re scrolling through social media during a break, researching a product while at work, or exploring new interests online, your marketing efforts need to intersect seamlessly with these daily routines.

This approach, grounded in the fundamental marketing truths about consumer behavior online, leverages the vast potential of the digital landscape. By crafting strategies that are both reflective of and responsive to the way people interact with the digital world, businesses can ensure their Internet marketing initiatives are not only seen but felt.


The power of effective Internet marketing lies in its ability to weave into the fabric of everyday life, making genuine connections that transcend the virtual divide. As we navigate this ever-evolving space, let’s hold onto the marketing truths that guide us towards creating more meaningful and impactful engagements with our audience, wherever they may be.

Impress your customers with effective Internet marketing and be there when they need the products, information, and services your business offers.

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Internet marketing is an attempt to reach customers where they live, work, and play. It’s also an attempt to reach customers “while” they live, work, and play.

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