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What is a Brand Positioning Statement?

According to Census Bureau data, almost 5.5 million new businesses were started in 2023. This pushed the number of small businesses operating across the U.S. to 33.3 million at the time of this writing.

According to Census Bureau data, almost 5.5 million new businesses were started in 2023. That pushed the number of small businesses operating across the U.S. to 33.3 million at the time of this writing. Standing out from the crowd has never been more critical, and standing out is the number one reason for a brand positioning statement.

In the current business environment, markets are saturated with competing products and services. So, how does a business cut through the noise and make a mark that not only attracts but retains customer interest?

This is the challenge a well-crafted brand positioning statement addresses.

What is a Brand Positioning Statement?

A brand positioning statement is a concise description of your brand’s position in the market and in the minds of your customers. It communicates what makes your brand unique and who your target customers are. It also explains what unique value your brand offers and why it’s the preferable choice for your target audience. In essence, it’s your brand’s identity, it’s DNA, distilled into a sentence or two, that defines your unique value proposition, or UVP.

This clarity not only helps attract attention in a crowded market but also builds a loyal customer base. It does this by aligning your brand’s offerings with the expectations and needs of your consumers. Therefore, the primary purpose of a brand positioning statement is to enable your brand to stand out from the competition. In fact, it should be a fundamental component of your brand’s marketing strategy.

The Anatomy of a Brand Positioning Statement

The makeup of a brand positioning statement consists of several core components. Each component serves a specific purpose in distinguishing your brand in the marketplace. Understanding and crafting each part carefully can significantly impact the statement’s effectiveness in communicating your brand’s unique value. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements:

Target Audience

Your brand targets a specific segment of the consumer market based on specific demographic, psychographic, or behavioral characteristics. These details define your ideal customers (target market) and guide your brand in crafting messages and innovative products that resonate deeply with their pain points.

By understanding and outlining these characteristics, your brand positions itself to attract and retain the very individuals it seeks to serve. In turn, this ensures that every aspect of your offering is tailored to meet their expectations and enhance their experience with your brand.

Target Audience Example

Eco-conscious Millennials: Individuals aged 25-40 who prioritize sustainability and eco-friendly products in their lifestyle choices. They are active on social media, value brand transparency, and are willing to pay a premium for environmentally responsible products.

Market Definition

The market definition outlines your industry, giving a clear picture of the kind of products or services you provide. This background helps show what makes your brand different. By spelling out the specific sector or field you operate in, you make it easier for your target customers to know exactly where you fit in the larger market.

This step is important for making your brand easy to recognize and understand. It sets you apart by showing what’s special about your service or product offer.

Example of Market Definition

Sustainable Fashion Industry: A sector of the broader fashion industry focused on creating clothing and accessories using environmentally sustainable practices, including the use of recycled materials, ethical labor practices, and minimizing waste throughout the production process.

Brand Promise

The brand promise, or unique value proposition (UVP), captures the core of what your brand commits to delivering to its customers, setting it apart from competitors. You’re offering a compelling benefit that directly addresses the needs or desires of your target audience.

This clearly highlights why your brand stands out as the superior choice. It’s a promise that underlines the unique value your brand brings to the table, ensuring customers understand exactly what they can gain by choosing you over others in the market.

Example of Brand Promise

“Wear the Change You Want to See” is a sustainable clothing brand that promises to provide fashion-forward, eco-friendly clothing that doesn’t compromise on style or quality. The brand commits to using only recycled or sustainable materials, ensuring customers feel good about their purchases both aesthetically and ethically.

Reason to Believe

The Reason to Believe is your supporting evidence. It backs up your brand promise by showcasing unique features, attributes, achievements, or credentials that prove you can deliver on your UVP. This section is crucial because it offers concrete justification for why customers should trust your brand’s claims.

By presenting tangible proof of what makes your brand special, you help customers feel confident in their decision to choose your products or services over the competition. It turns your promises into believable commitments, ensuring your target audience understands the solid foundation behind your claims.

Example of Reason to Believe

Certified Organic and Fair Trade: The brand backs its promise by using only materials certified organic and fair trade, reducing water usage by 50% in the manufacturing process, and showcasing transparent supply chains. Awards and recognitions for sustainability efforts further substantiate the brand’s claims.

Brand Values and Personality

While brand values and personality might not be directly mentioned in your positioning statement, they play a crucial role in shaping its creation. These elements infuse your brand with character and depth, making it more than just a name or a logo. They bring your brand to life, helping it to connect on a more personal level with your target audience.

Your mission statement, vision, and values represent the core principles that guide the brand’s actions and decisions, whether that’s a commitment to sustainability, innovation, or customer satisfaction.

Personality, on the other hand, is how your brand expresses itself—its tone, style, and manner of interacting with customers and the wider community. Whether friendly and approachable or sophisticated and professional, personality makes it distinct, memorable, more relatable, and more appealing to your target market.

Example of Brand Values and Personality

Values: Sustainability, Transparency, Empowerment.
Personality: Conscious, Innovative, Approachable.

This brand positions itself as not just a clothing option but as a movement towards a more sustainable future. It communicates in a friendly, optimistic tone, inviting customers to join a community of like-minded individuals who want to make a difference.

Competitive Differentiation

What makes your brand stand out in the market? This could be anything from superior quality, more affordable pricing, groundbreaking innovation, and exceptional customer service to any unique feature that distinguishes your brand.

You want to identify and showcase what’s special about your offerings, highlighting why customers should choose you over your competitors. By clearly articulating these differentiators, you position your brand as a preferred choice in the minds of your target audience. In addition, this provides them with compelling reasons to select your products or services in a crowded marketplace.

Example of Competitive Differentiation

Zero-Waste Packaging and Return for Recycling Program: Unlike its competitors, the brand offers zero-waste packaging and a unique program where customers can return used items for recycling or repurposing, providing discounts on future purchases. This not only demonstrates the brand’s commitment to sustainability but also actively involves the customer in the eco-friendly process, setting it apart in the sustainable fashion industry.

Why Have a Brand Positioning Statement?

In case the above hasn’t convinced you, here are three large benefits of having a positioning statement:

Clarity and Direction

For starters, an effective brand positioning statement serves as a North Star for your business. It provides clarity and direction for all your marketing efforts, ensuring that your messaging, visuals, and customer experience consistently reflect what your brand stands for. This consistency is crucial for building brand recognition and loyalty.


When you’re clear about your brand’s position, making strategic business decisions becomes easier. Whether it’s about product development, marketing strategies, or choosing the right partnerships, your brand positioning statement acts as a guide, ensuring that every decision aligns with your core values and business objectives.


A clear brand positioning statement helps you communicate more effectively with your customers. It ensures that your marketing messages resonate with your target audience, highlighting the benefits and features that matter most to them. This relevance fosters a deeper connection with your customers, making it easier to attract and retain them.

How to Write a Brand Positioning Statement

Writing a positioning statement is both an art and a science. Here’s a step-by-step approach to guide you through the process:

  1. Understand Your Target Audience: Dive deep into your ideal customers’ needs, preferences, and behaviors. What problems are they looking to solve? What motivates their purchasing decisions?
  2. Analyze Your Competitors: Look at your direct and indirect competitors. What positioning statements are they using? Identify gaps and opportunities where your brand can shine.
  3. Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Determine what makes your brand unique. Is it your product quality, customer service, innovative approach, or something else? Your USP should be a feature or benefit that sets you apart from competitors.
  4. Articulate Your Brand Promise: Summarize the main benefit your brand delivers to customers. This is a compelling reason customers should choose your brand over others.
  5. Provide Evidence: Support your brand promise with proof. This could be your years of experience, proprietary technology, customer testimonials, or any other evidence validating your claim.
  6. Draft Your Statement: Combine the elements above into a succinct statement. Keep it clear, concise, and jargon-free. Remember, the goal is to communicate your brand’s unique value as simply as possible.
  7. Test and Refine: Share your brand positioning statement with trusted advisors, team members, and customers. Gather feedback and refine your statement until it accurately reflects your brand and resonates with your target audience.

Brand Positioning Statement Examples

Let’s consider a hypothetical organic skincare brand targeting environmentally conscious consumers. A brand positioning statement, at its simplest, might look like this:

“For eco-conscious women who seek skincare products that are safe for their skin and the planet, GreenGlow offers a line of 100% organic, cruelty-free skincare solutions. Unlike other skincare brands, GreenGlow is committed to transparency, using only sustainably sourced ingredients backed by our EcoCert certification.”

Breaking down the statement into its individual parts gives us:

  1. Target Audience: Eco-conscious women who are looking for skincare products that are safe for their skin and the planet.
  2. Brand Promise: GreenGlow offers a line of 100% organic, cruelty-free skincare solutions.
  3. Competitive Differentiation: Unlike other skincare brands, GreenGlow is committed to transparency and uses only sustainably sourced ingredients.
  4. Reason to Believe: The brand’s commitment is backed by an EcoCert certification, which provides tangible proof of its eco-friendly practices and ingredient sourcing.

In Conclusion

A brand positioning statement is much more than marketing jargon; it’s a fundamental tool that defines your brand’s place in the market and in the hearts and minds of your customers. It clarifies your unique value, guides your marketing strategies, and helps you communicate more effectively with your target audience.

By taking the time to craft a thoughtful and genuine brand positioning statement, you lay the groundwork for a strong, differentiated brand that stands out in a crowded marketplace. Remember, in the bustling market of today’s business world, your brand positioning statement is your shout that turns heads and draws people in. Make it count.

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According to Census Bureau data, almost 5.5 million new businesses were started in 2023. This pushed the number of small businesses operating across the U.S. to 33.3 million at the time of this writing.

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