Mobile Apps By Google

Mobile App Analytics By Google

Worldwide Mobile Applications: Yes the era of mobile commerce and the WWW converging on your Smartphone handset is here and this is not a passing fad but...

As per the analysis and growth forecasts for the Worldwide Mobile Applications Market the apps business has finally ‘come of age’ and this worldwide success story is now growing fast.

Apps generated an impressive USD 12 billion in 2012, and in total 46 billion apps were downloaded in the year, taking the cumulative all-time total downloads since the app game began, to 83 billion. That is certainly a market in rapid growth.

The all-time cumulative total number of downloads stood at 37 billion at the end of 2011, but reached 83 billion by the end of 2012, more than doubling in one year. So in 2012, more apps were downloaded that in the previous 5 years all added together. The market is expected to be double in 2013.

From this doubling of the apps business in 2013, we forecast that downloads will continue to grow to exceed 200 billion per year by the end of full year 2017, and revenues in 2017 will reach 63.5 billion US dollars.

Yes the era of mobile commerce and the WWW converging on your Smartphone handset is here and this is not a passing fad but it is a hardcore reality of the future.

Soon everyone is going to feel the need to create a Mobile App for the most frequently accessed service on their website. Creating the App will be easy but monitoring its use and track the user preferences is the actual challenge. The other option would be to have a responsive design for your website. Responsive Design is a website design technique that allows you to create a single website that will adapt to the device on which it’s being viewed, whether it’s a laptop, smartphone or tablet. A site built with responsive design will automatically resize for different devices, but it is up to you to prioritise the content that matters most to the mobile user.

Whatever option you go for you need to track and monitor the traffic and user behavior and Google Analytics lets you measure mobile sites, apps and visits from web-enabled mobile devices, including both high-end and basic phones and tablets.

Google is still in the beta stage for Mobile App Analytics that will help the marketers and developers measure their mobile apps. The reports are tailored for mobile app developers and marketers, speaking the language that matters to them. Google says: This helps to track the whole journey from discovery to download to engagement.

The stages of the mobile app lifecycle and how they can be quantified and thereby enable the marketer to judge the quality are:

• Acquisitions: Find out how often your app is downloaded and installed, and how successful certain marketing campaigns are in attracting visitors.
• Users: Get to know the people using your app — where they are, how often and long they use an app, and what devices are popular with your visitors.
• Engagement: Track in detail the ways users interact with your app. Find out which screens are viewed in a typical visit, or set up Event Tracking to analyze custom actions, like button clicks and video plays. Technical exceptions and crashes are also included in this set of reports.
• Outcomes: Know the real value of your app. Set up Goals and Ecommerce to track targeted objectives, like completed sign-ups and product sales.

The reports are part of a holistic experience tailored for mobile app measurement, including a new and lightweight SDK v2.0 that’s easier to implement and is opt-out ready, with a streamlined back-end infrastructure . You can share the report via email or by exporting into a different format (i.e., CSV, PDF, TSV, etc.).

The detailed information about metrics about Acquisitions, Users, Engagement and outcomes can be read on  Mobile Apps Analytics. Since Google is providing metrics for iOS as well as Android, the company is actually helping Apple app makers as much as it is helping Android developers. But once they try using the Google Mobile App Analytics there will be more chances for them to try out Android too.

The 3 Steps To Get Started With Mobile App Analytics For Android:

1. Download SDK
2. Link the library to your application
3. Configure Android.Manifest.xml by adding the following permissions:

<uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.INTERNET” />

<uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE” />

View the following video to know more technicalities about the Mobile App Analytics For Android:


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8 Responses

  1. One thing’s for sure Google has made mobile app analytics much more flexible with New Tag Manager.

  2. If you create your first mobile application and you don’t have any idea for topic of mobile app development. When this kind of situation proceeds, this author also has this type of situation and he develops application for Missing Children Apps was born. He creates one kind of apps that give information about the missing children in the city. Great work by Author.

  3. I know what you mean. When someone showed me the app for the first time, I thought it wasn’t much of anything. But the simplicity with which Any.Do allows you to schedule tasks, make notes and set alarms is truly praiseworthy.

  4. Before reading this post I have no knowledge about mobile app analytics. Thanks to introducing me with it. Nice article.

  5. Hi Joseph, did an excellent job. iOS 6 is really amazing and includes several interesting features like above. Siri & Google Map integration are really wonderful features. Thanks for good info and way of explaining.

  6. Hello,
    I really surprised to know your target of, the mobile apps business forecast for 200 billion per year by the end of year 2017. And very good technicalities are given in your video about the Mobile App Analytic for android. Nice post and good described about the Analytics by the google. Excellent I get the good knowledge from your blog about mobile app development analytics by google. Thanks…

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Worldwide Mobile Applications: Yes the era of mobile commerce and the WWW converging on your Smartphone handset is here and this is not a passing fad but...


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8 Responses

  1. One thing’s for sure Google has made mobile app analytics much more flexible with New Tag Manager.

  2. If you create your first mobile application and you don’t have any idea for topic of mobile app development. When this kind of situation proceeds, this author also has this type of situation and he develops application for Missing Children Apps was born. He creates one kind of apps that give information about the missing children in the city. Great work by Author.

  3. I know what you mean. When someone showed me the app for the first time, I thought it wasn’t much of anything. But the simplicity with which Any.Do allows you to schedule tasks, make notes and set alarms is truly praiseworthy.

  4. Before reading this post I have no knowledge about mobile app analytics. Thanks to introducing me with it. Nice article.

  5. Hi Joseph, did an excellent job. iOS 6 is really amazing and includes several interesting features like above. Siri & Google Map integration are really wonderful features. Thanks for good info and way of explaining.

  6. Hello,
    I really surprised to know your target of, the mobile apps business forecast for 200 billion per year by the end of year 2017. And very good technicalities are given in your video about the Mobile App Analytic for android. Nice post and good described about the Analytics by the google. Excellent I get the good knowledge from your blog about mobile app development analytics by google. Thanks…

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