Happy Holidays From Level343

Happy Holidays from the Level343 Team!

For the first time since Level343 opened its doors in 1998, we're closing for the holidays!

For the first time since Level343 opened its doors in 1994, we’re closing for the holidays! There won’t be a blog Thursday, but don’t worry. We’ll be back with fresh content, updates and general mayhem, Monday, January 2, 2012. In the meantime, we’ve started a quarterly e-newsletter (first installment went out early this morning). We invite you to view the email in your browser and click on the subscribe link.

Quick update:

Last week, we posted about Gabriella’s run in with the con man operating under New Orleans Computer Repair (AKA New Orleans Apple Repair and French Quarter Repair Services). So far, the post received over 600 views, over 200 social shares and been picked up by news aggregators. People throughout the U.S. have reported the post showing on the front page, between the 2 and 8th positions for new orleans computer repair, new orleans apple repair, french quarter repair services and other relative terms.

If you share the post on your site or across social networks, please remember to include hashtags with one of these terms, and to link the post in content using the title. We want to keep it going in the SERPs. We don’t want this guy to be able to continue what he’s doing – let’s hurt him where it counts – his pocket book!

If you’ve been a victim of a con artist, here are a few things you can do:

Coming Up for 2012

Although we’re closed for the blog and client work, we’re working hard behind the scenes to bring even better services, experiences and content to 2012. First and foremost, next Monday will bring our long-awaited post declaring the winners of the Top 2012 Women in SEO, as voted by you, the people (we heart democracy), and the new logo for these wonderful, brainy women.

Other plans throughout the year include:

  • An updated blog format – we are currently working on a redesign for the blog, to provide a smoother, more pleasant viewing experience
  • Streamlining our feed – we will be working on a better way to deliver our RSS feed to our subscribers
  • Quarterly newsletter – started today, and we’ll have a subscription sign up form here on the blog
  • Level343 blog widgetized – we’ll working on a website widget, for bloggers who would like to share our content with your readers
  • Hiring writers – we are currently open to more writers to join the Level343 Team. Please read our guidelines before contacting us.
  • Guest bloggers – recently, we opened the Article Archive to guest bloggers. However, as we’re particular about the type of content that goes out on our blog, please read our guidelines for guest blogging before contacting us.
  • Content, content, content!

We’re extremely excited about the upcoming year, and we look forward to connecting and engaging for many more years to come. Stay tuned for more from the Level343 Team and Happy Holidays from all of us here!

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10 Responses

  1. Well. Holiday season enlighten my self in doing or start good thing and total confidence these year. I wish all the good things to all of us.

  2. Happy New Year to one and all! With regards to the new blog layout, it is a massive improvement and I’m a huge fan! It’s so much more streamlined and easy to navigate and the addition of the scrolling sidebar is a fantastic way to keep users within touching, or indeed clicking, distance of links to all of the social media platforms. I’m certainly looking forward to what 2012 has in store for Level343 as if things continue to develop in this fashion, it will be a stellar year.

  3. Hi Gabriella,
    I don’t know where to begin — Seasons Greetings to everyone!! Hopefully, these con artists and scammers will all start learning their lessons in 2012. They are really awful. All your news for 2012 sounds so exciting, can’t wait to see what you’re going to do. Love your ‘content’!!

  4. Wow! Fantastic developments going on for Level 343 & I am looking forward to receiving your newsletter 😉

    Keep on with your superlative, uber-smart and relevant content — it’s definitely a part of my brain’s daily diet and I am so appreciative of your hard work, insight and diligence. Well done 😉

    Here’s to a rockin’ 2012 to the whole gang at Level 343!!

    1. *Popping a bottle of champagne* I won’t drop name or mention brands suffice it to say only the good stuff lolol Thanks Laura for being such a great friend, and supporter. We ♥ you 🙂

  5. It’s been a long time since my last visit here and i’m just dropping by to greet you all Happy Holidays. It’s good to know your plans this coming 2012. However, i feel that you’re blog design doesn’t need redesigning. It’s simple yet very alluring.

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