Figuring out the Facebook Generation has taken on new importance in today’s society. Millennials are labeled as lazy, internet-addicted ingrates. In reality, this cohort of young adults is actually quite tech savvy and determined to make an impact on the world.
Millennials have grown up alongside the rapid evolution of technology, making them uniquely suited to understand and use it to their advantage. They’re often more comfortable using technological tools than older generations who have had less time to become accustomed to these ever-evolving technologies. This knowledge gives millennials an invaluable edge when it comes to job searches, communicating with potential employers, networking with peers, and more.
The Get Technology
Not only do millennials understand technology better than any other generation before them, but they also tend to use social media much differently than older generations. Unlike previous generations that used platforms like Facebook for more casual purposes like catching up with old friends. Millennials are leveraging social media for professional uses such as building relationships with employers or creating opportunities for themselves in the job market.
Though having a Facebook account does not directly strengthen one’s resume nor can it replace face-to-face contact entirely, Millennials are using the platform in other innovative ways that can help them climb the ladder of success in their respective fields. For example, some are taking advantage of employer groups created on platforms like LinkedIn and actively engaging with those companies by joining conversations or even posting original articles related to their industry that can demonstrate everything from leadership skills to problem solving abilities.
Millennials are the Facebook Generation
Overall, it is important to recognize that Millennials are far from lazy internet addicts; instead they possess unique skill sets and capabilities thanks to growing up during an era of unprecedented technological advancement which has enabled them with greater opportunities and resources than ever before. Millennial’s willingness and ability to adapt quickly makes them particularly valuable assets in today’s workforce – something we should all take into consideration when forming our opinions about this diverse generation.
Every decade that ushers in a new generation of fresh-faced youth will inevitably create a division among the status quo. What was once seen as cutting edge or revolutionary eventually expires and fades away in the wrinkles of antiquity. The current crop of young adults are caught in the crosshairs of columnists and critics who opine for the “good ole days.”
The Future Generation is Here
Certainly, there’s something to be said about the growing sentiment of entitlement and apathy that breeds brats and hipsters alike. But, millennials have yet to grow into their own, making the judgments and generalizations leveled against them all the more premature. If children are the future generation, then somewhere, right now, an upcoming politician, CEO or professor has his eyes glued to a smartphone screen while fingers punch in an update to his Facebook account. For better or worse, this generation gap continues to widen. However, the tech savvy teens of yesteryear may help propel enterprise and exchange into a new standard of excellence.
Knowledge is Power
Although it’s easy to dismiss much of their internet activity as counterproductive or attention-grabbing behavior, millennials have lived their entire lives with a wealth of knowledge, power and entertainment at their fingertips.
Barely out of its infancy, the internet is still very much an unknown and mysterious entity. It takes time to learn how to use a tool properly. Therefore, it’s a bit misguided to lecture anyone on a uniform appropriate purpose. Perhaps the most popular online platform among millenials is Facebook.
Facebook has drawn ire and accolades far and wide. The growing number of accounts per day dispels the notion that it’s just another fad.

Despite a great deal of muck and mire found on the site, Facebook offers users a reliable and easy means to share ideas and information, largely without limitations to geographic location. This free flow of communication can help instill awareness and foster sensibilities to a widespread audience. Connecting with people across continents will prove to be a valuable asset to any company attempting to broaden mass appeal. In macro terms, Facebook is helping this generation of users develop relationships in the global marketplace.
Global Relationships Are Here
Facebook is far from a training ground for micromanaging a business or company. The millennials who frequent the site may, however, understand subtle difficulties in maintaining good rapport and establishing harmonious associations. In the US friendship is treated like a commodity. Facebook has a built-in incentive for users to show diplomacy and empathy in the name of saving face. Users who boast a large number of friends had to earn trust through geniality in some form or another from their counterparts.
Networking, as a skill, can open doors to numerous opportunities and by osmosis, users of Facebook have already learned how to build a base. Keeping extensive associations can mold into strong and symbiotic relationships that provide a wealth of connections for future endeavors. Millennials have their fingers on the pulse of the Web. This has emerged as the leading source of breaking news and latest trends. This gives them an advantage in keeping employers current and relevant, as well as modernizing the outreach and marketing department of companies.