Meet Aura Conte. She is an Italian author, blogger, and digital content creator. I’ve been following her for years, she’s always been engaging, thoughtful, quick-witted, and Tweets in both Italian and English. That’s one of the things I enjoy about Twitter.

What’s your personal elevator pitch? What should we know about who you are and what you do?
My name is Aura Conte and I am an Italian author, blogger, and digital content creator. As an author, I published my very first book in 2009 and, in the last few years, I reached multiple times the TOP 10 Amazon Kindle bestsellers (general ranking). As a blogger, I run Writing in pink! A blog about the literary world and lifestyle, close to women in fiction and life.
Which social media platform is your jam? How do you share your industry knowledge with your audience?
To reach my audience, I use mostly Instagram, Twitter, and Goodreads. Even if, as an author and blogger, I run multiple accounts on almost every social media and manage a few sites. Lately, my favorite social media is Instagram, thanks to the many hashtags concerning books and the opportunity to share content in different formats.
We’d love to know more about the personal you. What area of the world do you live in, or want to live in; what are some of your quirks; what fuels your fire?
I happily live in Sicily (Italy) and I like it but if I could, I’d move to the New York area or Manhattan. I have been to the city, I love it and I have a few relatives there and in Connecticut.
Writing, music, and nature fuel my fire, creativity, in general, wakes me up every morning. I am not much into partying. I like to stay home and relax in peace, looking at the Strait of Messina (where I live) from my terrace. My quirks: I am into web design, technical aspects of publishing, SEO, social media, and codes maybe too much!
Is there any advice that you would share with women who are trying to build a career in the marketing industry?
Observe every little detail and never stop studying marketing and more… what’s new and what may help you. Give a chance to everything and explore as much as you can. Even when it’s boring, just push harder and stay focused.
Tell us where we can find you online and include information about any specific project that you are building and want people to know about.
As an author, you can find me on my official site, and on every social media as #auraconte. As a blogger, on: writing in pink and on Instagram as @wewriteinpink #wewriteinpink