Meeting Jeannie Hill

Honoring Women Wednesday- Meet Jeannie Hill

This week's Honoring Women Wednesday is no stranger to social. If you haven't seen her on Twitter or #vcbuzz, then you don't know social!

I met Jeannie on one of the many Twitter chat I’ve joined through the years. She’s always, gracious, helpful and full of wonderful input. What I’ve seen is Jeannie helps businesses and people identify the strengths that make them unique and passionate, so they can build a business that supports their goals. Without further ado, let’s meet our next amazing woman!

What’s your personal elevator pitch? What should we know about who you are and what you do?

I help businesses and people recognize and embrace their uniqueness, passion, and purpose and set and meet business goals. I love helping brands improve their organic/paid search performance and succeed. Sometimes a Project gets stalled or goes another direction, but I always strive to keep the relational bridge.

Which social media platform is your jam? How do you share your industry knowledge with your audience?

I enjoy Twitter the most as far as social engagement goes. I appreciate personal relationships with peers, followers, Google staff, like-minded SEOs, and customers.  It also offers chances to direct traffic to your website, improve brand awareness, engage your audience, demonstrate expertise, boost conversions, share projects, and increase sales. I share many of my writing and enjoy participating in chats related to my industry. It’s inspiring how generous people are to chime in with shared experiences and insights.

We’d love to know more about the personal you. What area of the world do you live in, or want to live in; what are some of your quirks; what fuels your fire?

During my education, I enjoyed several strong encouragers who identified my strengths and matched them with industry job trends. My father, a successful, diverse Minnesota farmer, believed that engineering, coding, and the digital space were the future. Both he and my coaches thought that I’d be brilliant at it. At the time, I thought this was a man’s arena, and it would be tough. But they were right. He advanced his personal experience by studying building architecture, business management, and machine mechanics in college before buying his farm. Likewise, I shared his quest for learning and took two years of vocational school and advanced courses while finishing high school. My first job was at Hallmark Cards corporate headquarters in Kansas City as everything evolved digitally.

Organic SEO fell in line with the principles of sowing/harvesting with a long-term vision and budgeting that works past ups and downs. Like farming, it makes managing multiple factors, expert planning, working hard, a passionate and positive attitude, and being fluid to anticipate the unexpected. I love overcoming challenges and smoothing the path ahead for clients.

Is there any advice that you would share with women who are trying to build a career in the marketing industry?

Marketing: I enjoyed conversations with prospective clients, helping explain complex concepts in simple terms, and promoting the work they love to do.

Sales: I find it rewarding to lead conversations with prospective clients and adjust my project scope to turn them into paid projects. While our work is digital, it’s all about people skills and partnerships.

Fees: I was fortunate to have peers who gave input on what to charge for my services and explained the benefits. Be bold and request help; your opportunity will come to pay it forward and back to others.

Business Operations: I hired an accountant and attorney upfront to establish the daily running of a business (accounting, legal, contracts, etc.) functions

Project Delivery: Being independent, I’m able to flex with adjusting timelines for delivering on projects for my clients. As a mother of five exceptional children, I highly value owning my time and flexibility. It offers me. 

Time Management & Organization: My office was already set up; I gave myself extra time to find my way of note-taking, filing, researching, etc.

Love Learning: I’d suggest investing in supportive courses, coaching, and/or mentoring to help you become a marketing consultant. I’m friends today with the career consultant I hired and have met the most inspiring people to help me believe in myself.

The Zeal to Win: Knowing what to prioritize for each client, strategize, and execute is thrilling. Being a contributor to someone else’s “winning” success pulls me on and gives me purpose.

Connections: I found (and find) it keys to participate in forums, networking groups, etc., to start and maintain a business. I keep gleaning ideas and insights; I’m thankful that it’s not necessary to make mistakes to learn. Learning from other women marketing experts and training where I can is very rewarding. Proposals are big deal for me. I prefer to: 

– Set up a virtual session with screen sharing to finalize the proposal together.

– Meet the buyer in person to review the proposal. My goal is to listen and align with

their needs and set expectations.

– Email the proposal to the buyer after we’ve talked and I’ve had a chance to introduce

and explain it in person.

-An effective leader is a person who enjoys people and identifies with their perspectives.

Seeing things differently is exciting versus threatening. My work and personal life have

gained tons from receiving different perspectives from others.

I’ve collected leadership quotes for years, often coming to mind when managing people and projects. I’d advise other women to be willing to fail forward. Progress is gaining my insightful risk-taking.

Tell us where we can find you online and include information about any specific project that you are building and want people to know about it.

My website, though often neglected in favor of client work, is hill webcreations

It’s easiest to find me on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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This week's Honoring Women Wednesday is no stranger to social. If you haven't seen her on Twitter or #vcbuzz, then you don't know social!

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